Show Your Support.

Our goal is for 10,000+ community members to join us.  Sign your name to say YES to a Memphis with MORE opportunity, justice, and progress. Let's create a city where our children can dream big and achieve their goals. Together, we can make it happen.

We believe in a Memphis where everyone has the chance to succeed. Our city is full of energy and creativity and is renowned for its iconic contributions to music, food, and culture. We also have a vital nonprofit community that commits itself on a daily basis to improving the city. But despite our rich history and cultural assets, we face significant challenges. Economic mobility remains out of reach for too many, with racial disparities and poverty holding back our potential.

It's time for change. It's time for action. More for Memphis is the initiative bringing together over 200 partner organizations and more than 1,000 residents to bridge these gaps and build a brighter future. With 30+ strategies across six key focus areas, MFM is dedicated to advancing economic mobility for our Black and brown communities and creating equitable opportunities for all Memphians. The plan concentrates on ensuring all residents can be safe, healthy, thriving, and happy.

We need your support. By signing this statement, you're joining a movement committed to making Memphis and Shelby County a place where everyone can thrive. Your voice matters, and together, we can build the city we all deserve.

Commit to a better Memphis by signing today.